Study Techniques <3

The Pomodoro Timer! For those who need to study, but also need some breaks to function 🙂

Pomodoro Timer

Eat the Frog! Tackle your most urgent and important tasks first, when you are most productive, and finish the easier ones later when you’re tired!

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Blurting method! Get a blank piece of paper, and write everything you know about a topic down. Then, go through your textbook or notes, and write the

areas you missed or got wrong using a red pen. Do this a few times! This is especially useful for topics you need to memorize, like socials or biology!

Feynman Study Technique! This is best with a study group, but if you can teach the information, then you know the information! After reviewing, try to teach what you learned to your friends. If you get stuck while explaining, it’s a sign you should go back to review more.

Spaced Repetition! A few weeks before a large test or exam, take notes, review them, and return to them in a few days time. This way, your brain becomes accustomed to the type of information, and can memorize better.