About Us

bsite was created by two Grade 9 students at WPGA for a Digital Arts Final Passion Project. We are a two-woman team that have worked hard to create this site!

Evangeline Lin ’27

Evangeline Lin is a co-founder of this site. She is an all-rounder in academics however shines the most in humanity courses. She is a master debater having won Nationals that recently took place in Halifax this year. You will most likely see her in the courtroom, defending some sort of celebrity in the future with her outstanding debate/mock trial skills.

Belle Song ’27

Belle is also a co-founder for this site. She works hard in academics as well and also has a side gig as an equestrian ( I say side gig though she does wish to keep riding until she dies). She was provincial champion in 2019 and received two reserve champions in the BCHJA 2022 competition. Currently recovering from a concussion, she has been home resting to recharge and tackle life once again.

Both girls are extremely academically rigorous and have been worked to the bone these past few weeks to finish up on assignments before the break. We wish you are lenient with criticism and feedback you have on this site as they have made it to the best of their ability. Thank you for understanding!